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The result of even a single machinery breakdown in an industry has a huge impact on the production process and the business as a whole. Not to mention tangible costs such as that for machinery replacements, the industry faces intangible expenses like the loss of a client, customer dissatisfaction etc.

CMSRSL has conducted risk management studies for the manufacturing industry assessing the risks associated with each machinery, its downtime, losses that would be incurred over a time period and risk financing strategies.

Our Typical Scope of work includes the following:

  • To study the loss potential of machinery breakdown and their impact on business interruption.

  • To identify the critical machinery for insurance purposes and their interdependence.

  • To identify the stand by machinery and availability of spares for the machinery.

  • To assess the potential and probability of failure of critical machinery based on age, maintenance practices, past experience etc.

  • To comment/suggest on the adequacy of coverage and indemnity period in case MLOP is required.

  • To study the existing covers and review the same.

  • Cost benefit analysis for taking MLOP cover considering the alternate options available.

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